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A böngészési élmény fokozása, a személyre szabott hirdetések vagy tartalmak megjelenítése, valamint a forgalom elemzése érdekében sütiket (cookie) használunk. A "Mindet elfogadom" gombra kattintva hozzájárulhat a sütik használatához.
To ensure effective navigation and the functioning of certain features, we use cookies. Below, you'll find detailed information about each cookie category.
Cookies categorized as "Essential" are stored by the browser as they are essential for the basic functionalities of the website.
Essential cookies are crucial for the basic functionalities of the website, and the website will not function properly without these cookies. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information.
No visible cookies.
Functional cookies assist in executing certain functions, such as sharing website content on social media platforms, collecting feedback, and other third-party functionalities.
No visible cookies.
Analitikai sütiket használnak annak megértésére, hogy a látogatók hogyan lépnek kapcsolatba a weboldallal. Ezek a cookie-k segítséget nyújtanak a látogatók számáról, a visszafordulási arányról, a forgalmi forrásról stb.
No visible cookies.
A teljesítmény-sütiket a weboldal kulcsfontosságú teljesítménymutatóinak megértésére és elemzésére használják, amelyek hozzájárulnak a látogatók jobb felhasználói élményének biztosításához.
No visible cookies.
A hirdetési sütiket arra használják, hogy a látogatókat személyre szabott hirdetésekkel juttassák el a korábban meglátogatott oldalak alapján, és elemezzék a hirdetési kampány hatékonyságát.
No visible cookies.
I help your business stand out and leave a lasting impression in the online space and the market. Through thoughtful website and e-commerce design, your business will become easily recognizable, differentiate itself from competitors, and enhance trust among your target audience.
I work to create a website or e-commerce platform that perfectly fits your business, reflecting your brand and meeting your needs.
I get to know your business, target audience, as well as your expectations and ideas to design unique and effective web solutions for you. Market research helps differentiate your site from others.
I design unique design elements tailored to the brand and style you represent, starting from homepages to subpages, considering both desktop and mobile views.
I create the framework of the website, including colors, design elements, images, and text outlines, to visualize the structure and functions of the site.
The designed layout is implemented using WordPress, and for e-commerce, WooCommerce plugin is used. I perform basic technical settings for search engine optimization.
I perform appropriate technical settings to comply with data protection laws. I provide two rounds of modification options with progress tracking. Upon website delivery, I provide training on the usage of the WordPress administrative interface for easy management. If you prefer not to deal with this in the future, you can choose a maintenance service.
Upon website delivery, I provide training on the usage of the WordPress administrative interface for easy management. If you prefer not to deal with this, you can choose a maintenance service. Additionally, I provide detailed tutorials or online meetings for thorough learning.
Launching or revitalizing a business is a major challenge, especially for beginners. That's why, after requesting a quote and assessing your needs, for longer projects, you'll have the option to choose installment payments to make starting your business even easier.
The price for single-page website creation starts from 600 EURO, and for single-product e-commerce creation starts from 850 EURO, but since every business and website, e-commerce platform is unique, the fee may vary depending on your needs. Factors such as required features, number of subpages can influence the price. Write to me, and I'll prepare a custom quote for your website.